EDUBLOGGING: Learning through Blogging!

When our professor told us to make an edublog, I was like “Aww, seriously?!” Haha J Honestly, I don’t really like blogging. It wasn’t easy for me to write a blog. Why? First of all you have to read a lot of books, articles, or any reliable sources about the topic that you want to write. Sad to say, it’s not my hobby to read. I’d rather watch movies or listen to music than reading. And also, I admit that I’m not good in writing. Haha. But since it’s a part of our requirement (in Clinical Chemistry III), I tried.

At first, I don’t know how will I start or where to start. So what I did was, I visited some of my classmates’ blog and other writers’ blog. From them, I got ideas on how will I create my own blog.

Through writing this blog, I’ve learned a lot of things. Here are some of the things that I have learned:

First, I found out that edublogging is not just simply posting anything you want. Edublogging is sharing of what you have learned from school or from what you have read.

Second, I learned how to gather information from different reliable sources through internet and books. Of course, as a writer, we would like to give our readers information base on facts. And as a part of that, we have to give credits to those writers or webpages where we got those ideas. By doing so, readers can also visit those references if they would like to gather more information.

Third, I learned how to be more creative. As a blogger, we want to make our own blog as unique as we can. We decorate it by inserting some photos, graphics, or videos. It is necessary so that readers will be more interested in reading our blogs.

And, oh another thing, it will also help you to improve your writing skills and English grammar J

If it wasn’t because of our professor, maybe I wouldn’t try doing this stuff. And maybe I wouldn’t say “kaya ko naman pala”. And for that, I would like to thank her, Mrs. Virginia Gaces, for encouraging us to do this and for believing in us.

Thank you Ma’am Gaces! May God bless you always J

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